This agreement form states that you must maintain confidentiality whilst at the setting, whilst training or on trips. This means that you must not share any information that you see, hear or witness that would identify an individual child/adult from the setting. You can talk about what you’ve done in the setting/on the trip but not identify individuals. This is to safeguard the children in our care and to respect the adults involved in our setting.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Job Role: ____________________________________________________
I agree that whilst being in the setting and/or in the Employment of Rebeccas and when I have left the employment of Rebeccas, I will not share or disclose any information in any format, written, verbal or electronic (including social networking) with any third party person or organisation who are not employed directly with Rebeccas. I will not remove or photocopy any material in relation to Rebeccas, staff, children or in relation to any direct or indirect party or organisation however so connected to Rebeccas.
Signed: ___________________________________________________
Witness: ___________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________