Please complete the secure online form below or download, complete and return to us the Word or PDF Child Information Forms
Child's name (required)
Name of the School the Child attends (required)
Which Out Of School Club would you like your child like to attend: Chandlers FordHiltingburyMerdonScantabout
Parent/carer's name (required) Mrs.Ms.Miss.Mr.Dr.
Parent/guardian/carer' Email address
Does this person have parental responsibility for the child? YesNo
Contact Name 1: (required) Mr.Mrs.Ms.Miss. Relation to child: Contact telephone number: Address: Postcode:
Contact Name 2: (required) Mr.Mrs.Ms.Miss. Relation to child: Contact telephone number: Address: Postcode:
Has your child ever had an allergic reaction to ANYTHING? YesNo
If yes, please provide full details:
Is your child’s Tetanus Jab is up to date? YesNo
Please tells us about the child's likes, dislikes and any special dietry requirements:
Please tells us what the child likes and dislikes doing and if there is anything that they are scared of
Is English your child's second language? YesNo
If yes, please tell us the child's first language
What is the main religion of the family environment of the child?
Are there any festivals or special occasions celebrated in your culture that your child will be taking part in and that you would like to see acknowledged and celebrated while he/she is in our care?
Does your child have any of the following?: Asthma/breathing problems YesNo Skin conditions YesNo Hearing difficulties YesNo Sight difficulties YesNo Speech difficulties YesNo Any long term illness/conditions YesNo
If you have answered yes to any of the above, please give details below:
Name of doctor Phone number Address
Contact Name 1 (required) Mrs.Ms.Miss.Mr.Dr. Relation to child Contact telephone number: Address Postcode
Contact Name 2 (required) Mrs.Ms.Miss.Mr.Dr. Relation to child Contact telephone number: Address Postcode
Is there anyone who should not have contact with your child or is legally prevented? YesNo.
If yes, please give details
Is there anything else you think we should know in order to meet the needs of your child, or anything you have concerns about?
Signature (Please type your name):
What is 5+2
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